A boy thinking ideas, science & tech, science theory
What is Universe
 Made Of? 

What is this universe made of? Outside our small planet Earth, this amazing world seems very mysterious and people have always thought. Imagine that they will be made of beautiful clay sky , imagine if you want to measure the weight of a car, then put it in a big weight scale and the weight of the car turned out to be 2 tons.
Car Disassemble image, science & tech, science theory

Disassemble of Car

but then after that you thought what if I have all the parts of this car If I remove and put them one by one in the same scale and add the weight of all the parts, what happens if you get the total weight by mixing all the parts. 100 kg and you had removed the weight of all of the air and so on. So you would think that the difference in the weight of this right came in both these cases, from where does the case in which the car is united is such an invisible thing. Those who are increasing the weight of this vehicle but measuring it, are not able to extract the weight of the parts separately, well some such dilemma scientists are also experiencing with our universe for 40 years. Things from which our universe is made. Things we can see. I you; These are some such things apart from Earth, Moon,
Earth image, science & tech, science theory
Sun etc. From whom the universe is made. And we don't see them but we can feel their impact. This is for example. Andromeda Galaxy like CR 31 or M 31 is also called and which is our nearest Spiral shape Galaxy. This Galaxy was built 10 billion years ago and in the middle of it is a super mace black hole. Everything around which you can see here is revolving around it, this galaxy has everything. From a sandbar to giant stars, solar systems, astroid, metronid stones, and even black holes and the matter we see. Baryonic particles that are made of prostitutes, electronic, areas are divided in depth and quarks and lap tone in the particle standard model, but for this blog we will not go into so much detail if you want to know this. Which is the smallest particle. Standard models have to be understood in the universe. So if you tell me by making comments, then I will post a blog on it, so friends go on their topic, but in the late 1970s.
Andromeda Galaxy, science & tech, science theory
Andromeda Galaxy

a team of two scientists discovered something shocking about this Andromeda Galaxy which would change everything in physics. Vera Reuben and Kent Burr of the Carnegie Institution of Washington observed that the Andromeda Galaxy was rotating like this. Which was in violation of Newton's laws of motion. Matter was moving at a speed in the middle of the vortex . Matter was moving almost as fast outside the vortex at about the same speed. Now there was no explanation of this strange behavior at that time. But thinking about it for two years, he said that the discovery of an amazing thing, he calculated that the mass of the Galaxy is visible to us through our eyes. That is just a few percent, about 75% of the mass of the original mass of this galaxy is created by something strange and mysterious. Which we cannot see in scientific language, this matter is something like this. Which does not interact with the particles of light, photons or any other atom or molecule, but just by gravity, its presence affects the galaxy and because of this extra invisible mass of gravity, the outer clouds of this vortex are so fast. Were accelerating,
Dark matter, science & tech, science theory
Dark matter Show 
in this collision of 
two galaxies 

Now this discovery was astonishing and then later this invisible matter was named Dark Matter, now this dark matter is present in such a huge amount but it does not appear that scientists had fallen into thinking. What is not visible but has the effect of gravity, the presence of something means that the particles of light interact with the photomagnetic wave like a photon or a light.
 atom Smasher Large Hadron Collider, science & tech, science theory
 Atom Smasher Large Hadron Collider

but this is not happening here and so the search for dark matter continues till today. In the world's largest atom Smasher Large Hadron Collider, different atom speeds of up to 99.99% of the speed of light are collided. So that new and strange types of other small particles are born and out of them we may get dark matter only, but friends, it is difficult to find this. The best contestants of dark matter may be. Particles of one such category are called - WIMP i.e. weakly interactive massive particle but this was not the whole story of the universe. We knew by now. That the universe is made up of matter and dark matter. In which dark matter is present many times more than the matter and we cannot even see it.
Dark energy, science & tech, science theory
Dark energy 

but after some 20 years, scientists experienced another strange phenomenon which they had no response to. While scientists were studying the Type-1A
Type 1A supernova, science & tech, science theory
Type 1A Supernova 
supernova and they noticed From whom stars were death in the supernova explosion. While emitting radiance of bright light, he was actually far away from our galaxy. So the same energy that was acting against gravity and the universe was expanding at an increasing speed was called The dark energy and just a few years ago 2001 NASA launched a specialized machine called W-Mape ie Wilkinson Microwave Ellis cap.

W-Mape of cosmos, universe map, science & tech, science theory
W-Mape of universe 

Experiment in which we took a picture of our entire universe through the model of cosmic microwave background radiation from the big bang the history till now tells us and this picture has revealed the secret of what the universe is made of. The
Graph of matter, dark matter, & dark energy, science & tech, science theory
Graph of matter,
dark matter, & dark energy 
universe is 4% matter, whatever you can see, 23% of the dark matter that cannot be seen and what scientists are looking for, and the final 73% of the dark energy that energy is giving to the space and the universe at an increasing speed. is expanding and we don't know much about it but these are all the elements. From whom our universe is made. Our reality is made and friends if you have any question what is the universe made of, So you will know the answer of course, but there is still more discovery to be done Friends and in the coming years we will continue to expose the ropes towards the universe and you will keep getting all the updates on our blog, so please follow my blog for new updates.

Thank you !!

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